Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Ebay APPrehension - iPad APP Review

Desirable of the week: The eBay iPad app.

Brilliant but concerning all at the same time: The utter tentativeness when I placed my first ever bid, then the sudden rush of hysteria when I am still the highest bidder when that little red time is ticking down from 10 seconds...
Why did no-one else bid this high? It's such a lovely blouse...ISN'T IT?!
OMG It's a scam, it's not really ASOS it's Primark!!!
Panic spreads throughout my OCD mind like a crazed wildfire burning every inch of shopper's satisfaction and I start flicking through the pictures again. There are only two pictures - one of the blouse hanging on someone's bedroom door and one of the label...THE LABEL!! It clearly states ASOS and the size. Fine.
Continuous e-mails flood my inbox - PAY NOW, ENJOY, OTHER ITEMS RECOMMENDED FOR YOU...
Where am I the casino?!
I'm exhausted and still have to work out how to use PayPal, leave me alone for one minute.
They have recommended a fabulous pair of jeans in my size though...
PayPal is just something else isn't it. Somehow my credit card is already fixated onto the account but I can 'add funds' from another bank account if I register it. Ok, since my credit card is looking mightily full these days I'll add funds: Following the instructions on PayPal, I logged into my online banking account and transferred £2.50 into my PayPal account. I'm not tight or anything (I am) but even this had me worried. PayPal are definitely going to commit fraud or something.
Ok, paid for and confirmed - my lovely, silky, flowy blouse will be on the way soon.
Wildfire burnt out and shopper's satisfaction creeping back in, I had a quick look at those jeans...
And the River Island bralet, the Boohoo dress, the Calvin Klein bra, the MAC Lipstick...
It's done. I'm now part of the seedy world of eBay addiction. I've won a dress, skirt, bra, lipstick and a blouse and every time such a mix of emotions welled up inside me that, in the end, I just pretended not to notice.
Most of the decent stuff on eBay is usually sold for the shop price anyway (or for over a tenner which, to me, defeats the object of an online car boot sale) which has lead me to dislike the thing. But the app is still there, right in the middle of my iPad screen staring at me just to come and peep to see what I can find. I scroll through the Women's Clothing with such a stiff pokerface, refusing to bid on anything, but afraid of missing out on the world's biggest bargain.
So blogger friends, if you haven't succumbed to the eBay dragon yet - DON'T! It's a seedy market place where everyone stares at you like it's your first day at school: Evil eyes that seem friendly until you're attacked by a hungry pack of women all vying for the same vest top - However the smug sense of accomplishment when you win that vest top is of the same sort of pleasure as that of finally kicking your childhood bullies in the nuts!
ADDICTION: Doing something that you know impacts you in a negative way (rinsing funds from my bank account for used goods) but doing it anyway.
Happy Bidding x

Visit eBay (if you dare) - CLICK HERE

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