Thursday, 31 January 2013

Thrifty Thursday - Busy Doing Nothing!

It's the 31st of January, many of the population will be getting paid today or would have been this week which will bring relief and joy to many! For 0.05% of the population who eagerly await the 7th of every month for payday (my colleagues and I) they are still hugely struggling through the end of this long month.

For me, the month of January has been about constant learning, motivation and giving up a lot of my sleep time to pursue something brand new! Thrifty Thursday, this week, was always going to be a real struggle because I literally have £000 to spend! What I'm going to do for TT this week is basically nothing!!

I've taken many a day off for granted in my time. Working a full-time job, then coming home to new freelance commitments as well as two blogs, interviews and grabbing any oppurtunities that come my way has taken its toll this month! Not to mention the adverse weather conditions complicating matters!

My lie-in got me out of bed just as the rain stopped, the clouds parted and the sunny blue skies appeared! Jumping out of bed after a much needed nine and a half hour sleep I went for a 30 min power walk through the woods with my little Bichon Frise, Princess, and came home for a healthy brunch.

Indulging in my guilty TV pleasure, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, for an hour followed and this afternoon will consist of a lengthy work out, Audrey Hepburn's 'Roman Holiday' and endless cups of tea.

Photo Source: Fanpop

No-one should feel guilty or ashamed of having days where they literally get nothing done, you look totally dull and you barely leave the house for more than 30 minutes, each time 100% make-up free. Check out the Celebrity Day Off post on Trendmill - that's enough to make you feel so much better!

Another really interesting post online is 'Why Time off is so Important' on LearnVest - it'll make you book time off in an instant!

With such busy lives and a lot of us having to juggle multiple jobs and oppurtunities to stay afloat and happy these days it doesn't come as a great surprise that most of us take our days off for granted without fully relaxing.

So for this Thrifty Thursday, stroll to your nearest Costa for a Cappucino and read Ok! Magazine cover to cover, get home and take a bath, finish your book, eat a whole share-sized Galaxy bar and have a candle-lit early night with Netflix!

For more tips of taking it easy visit 1000 Simple Ways To Enjoy Life - a fellow Blogger!

Photo Source - '1000 Simple Ways to Enjoy Life'

Happy resting everyone! I'm off for my workout! Where's my delightful Forever 21 training clothes?!

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